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The largest existing container handling equipment and also one of the largest types of cranes build in higher quantities are modern Ship-to-Shore Cranes (STS). Located directly on the waterside of container terminals they form the critical interface between the ships and the landside container handling facility.
Design and size of this crane type has change dramatically since the introduction of shipping containers 1954. To service ships of 14.000 TEU and more the STS cranes had to become of enormous size and at the same time highly efficient and reliable. In the past STS cranes had to service only a few ships per week where today fully specialized and highly automated facilities operate 24/7/365.
Due to the increased size of the cranes the demand on speed and acceleration has increased significantly. Durability, ease of maintenance but also lifetime costs have become critical aspects for energy and data transmission solutions for STS cranes.
Conductix-Wampfler offers the full range of solutions for all types of STS cranes, regardless of special terminal preferences or special climatic requirements (high wind, ice and snow, tropical climates, ...).
Conductix-Wampfler has decades of experience and know-how in the container handling industry. We offer reliable, practical, and customized solutions for the electrification of STS cranes and other port machinery. Our customers’ global activities are supported with our turnkey systems and strong after-sales service from our worldwide sales and engineering network.
We offer:
Motor-Driven Cable Reels – customized, with magnetic or variable frequency drives to manage long travel main power supply and horizontal lift for spreader applications. Continuous energy and data transmission is guaranteed by special medium voltage and control slip ring assemblies as well as rotary fiber optic transmitters.
Cable Festoon Systems – durable and reliable; motorized or non-motorized to manage trolley-travel power and data cables on container cranes.
Energy Guiding Chains – durable and efficient management of power, control and data cables for crane trolley-travel and lashing platforms.
Conductor Rail Systems – Conductor rails provide power and control for crane trolley-travel in combination with dedicated data transfer systems. Trench-mounted medium voltage conductor rail systems provide power for STS container crane long travel. High amperage conductor rail systems are an alternative to cable reels for STS container cranes.
Cable Protection Systems – Trenchguard and CoverZip systems cover and protect cables in trenches along the STS crane rail.
Reference Report
6 konteynır vinci üzerindeki dağıtıcıya enerji aktarımı
P&O Antverp Belçika
TES – Oosterhout (NL)
Çevre koşulları
Liman/ Deniz
Dağıtıcı Tambur Sprinter
Sarım uzunluğu
59 m
Seyahat hızı
150 m/min
0,42 m/sec2
Cordaflex 30x2,5 mm2 (20 kg/m)
Ek bilgiler
Frekans kontrol ünitesi
Gelişmiş hız ve tork kontrolü son derece dinamik çalışan makineler için idealdir.
Yüksek verimli bileşenler ve düşük başlangıç ataleti.
Kablonun düzgün bir şekilde taşınması kablo ömrü ve genel sistem güvenilirliğini artırır.
Agresif koşullar altında bile optimum korozyon koruması - flanşlar ve makara kasnağı sıcak daldırma galvanizli çelikten veya paslanmaz çelikten imal edilmişlerdir.
Tipik uygulamalar:
İlerleme hızı
- Manyetik kaplinli AC motor (MAG sürücü): 180 m / dakikaya kadar
- Değişken frekans (SMART Sürücü) kontrollü: 300 m / dakikaya kadar
Sarım Uzunluğu: 700 m maks.
Makaranın Dış çapı:
- Monospiral makara: 1,100 mm - 8,000 mm
- Dağıtıcı makaralar için Tekil Tabakalı Tamburu
Dişli Kutusu:
- BNA A3X: 1.100 Nm - 11,000 Nm
- NCR: 2.500 Nm - 11,000 Nm
Kontak Bileziği montajı:
- Güç alçak gerilim max: 690 V - 1600 A
- Güç yüksek gerilim maks.: 24.000 V - 500 A
- Kontrol maks.: 500 V - 25 A
- Veri: Fiber Optik, mA
Sıcaklık aralığı: -40 °C - +60 °C
Kablo makaraları için kullanılan kabloların özel nitelikleri