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The world faces significant environmental threats, and the challenges will be even more pressing in the future. With a growing population, urbanization, and the effects of global warming, the sustainable handling of the earth’s limited resources will become even more critical. Environmental waste handling technologies will continue to play an important role in addressing these challenges. Water treatment equipment such as wastewater clarifiers, filtration systems, and solar sludge drying systems require very rugged energy and data transmission systems. Most of these operate outside and many are situated in corrosive and hazardous locations. Composting plants, which produce biogas that can replace fossil fuels, need electric power for their moving machine elements. These facilities also provide reclaimed compost that can be reused in the agriculture. As more and more countries put a higher priority on the need to preserve the environment, investments in environmental technologies will increase. Conductix-Wampfler high-performance products will support this trend all along the way.
The environmental industry has come to count on Conductix-Wampfler energy and data transmission systems to provide reliable power and control delivery. With over 30 years experience in environmental applications, numerous systems in operation around the world, and many industry references, we are your preferred and reliable partner. Special versions of our high quality products resist harsh conditions and aggressive atmosphere and provide long life time with low maintenance costs.
Motor-Driven Cable Reels – can be employed to manage power and control cables for longitudinal clarifiers
Spring-Driven Cable Reels – can be used to manage shorter power and control cables for longitudinal clarifiers and are in use to power solar sludge drying systems (along with festoon systems and conductor rails)
Festoon Systems – provide management for cables that power longitudinal clarifiers, sludge drying equipment, and other moving machinery. ATEX certified festoon systems are available for hazardous, explosion-proof locations. Ideal for wastewater systems and composting plants are stainless steel systems.
Slip Ring Assemblies – Transfer power and control signals to the rotating parts of circular clarifiers. ATEX certified slip rings are available for hazardous, explosion-proof locations.
Conductor Rails – can be applied to power either longitudinal clarifiers or curved into slip rings for circular clarifiers.
Jay Radio Remote Controls – offer a safe way of operating or monitoring machines from a distance. The comprehensive range of industrial and safety radio remote controls offers countless solutions to adapt to an extensive number of environmental technology applications.
Reference Report
Güneş enerjisi ile atık kurutma tesisi
Mortagne au Perche
Temsilcilik Ofisi
Conductix-Wampfler [F]
Teknik şartlar
Kablo kılavuzlu Güneş enerjisi ile atık kurutma mobil sistemi için güç beslemesi
Hat güzergahı
İki adet düz ve bir adet eğimli hat
Hat uzunluğu
120 m
Bara sistemi, Program 0812 SinglePowerLine
Ek ürün bilgileri
Standart mekanik yapı ( C profil 40 ve 63, Kontak bileziği montajı ve yaylı kablo toplama tamburu)
Kutup sayısı
200 A
Çevre koşulları
Sıcak ve ıslak (sera), amonyak
Ek bilgiler
2009 ve 2011 yılları arasında 10 tane benzer proje
Tercihen düz güzergahlar için tek kutuplu İletken rayı.
Ana uygulamalar
Standart uygulama verileri
Installation Instructions
Conductix-Wampfler'in yaylı kablo makaraları çeşitli hareketli ekipmanların üzerine otomatik kablo sarmak için kullanılır. Bunlar arasında kaldırma ve diğer malzeme taşıma cihazları; örneğin portal vinçler, kıskaçlar, mıknatıslar,asansör ve çalışma platformları, makineler, mobil vinçler,transfer arabaları ya da temizleme sistemleri yer almaktadır.
Bunlar özellikle palet tabanlı makinelerdir ve yatay ya da dikey olarak düz bir çizgide hareket ederler. yay tahrikli kablo makaralarının üzerinde kullanım için Conductix-Wampfler hareketli makinelere düşük voltajlı elektriksel güç ve kontrol sinyallerini aktarmak üzere özel sarma kablolarının geniş kapsamlı bir yelpazesini sunmaktadır.
Maintenance Bulletin
Periodic Check of the Flange / Slipring and Shaft Attachment
Maintenance Bulletin
Replacement of Cassettes / Reversal of the Winding Direction